Friday, May 28, 2010


I decided to blog all my little blurbs. Here we go.

The Marrieds:
I'm getting really tired of reading the facebook statuses of the married people I know "Shirley Jones is sick but has the best hubby in the world to take care of her" and the like. It's disgusting. It really makes me want to vomit. By the way, Shirley Jones is not a real person.

The Storm:
There was a beautiful house shaking thunder and lightning storm last night late. I just wish that the house wasn't so hot so I could have turned off my fan and heard it better.

I've been home for about a month now and I'm loving it for the most part. I get a little tired of having not that much to do and I don't like having to talk to people in the family ward that used to be my whatever leader, but I do love spending time with my momma. Also, my sister works at a salon so we have great shampoo. My hair loves great shampoo.

Baby Tori:
She's one of the main reasons I came home. My sister had her in January so I wasn't able to see her. Let me tell you something, that baby is so fat. Shes almost exactly 4 months old and weighs 17 pounds. Oh, and she has two teeth already. She's also beautiful and spoiled.

I love having a dog in the house. I miss having a dog around when I'm at school. I don't know why, they're just so fun.

It can go away anytime.

I have mixed feelings about Provo. I'm a homebody and a momma's girl so I really miss my mom when I leave and usually cry a bit and everything, but I'm missing Provo too. It's about time to head back (by about time, I mean in approximately one month but I need to buy a ticket) but things are different there and nothing's keeping me from staying here. Except for I miss my friends and having things to do like crazy.

That's all for now. I won't make any blogging promises that I'll just break.