Friday, November 20, 2015

Be Kind...

I've heard over and over and over, "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  I mean, this is the internet.  Everyone loves to post a thoughtful inspirational quote that may or may not mean much.  This one does. I've never thought so much about it (except like hell yeah I'm fighting some battles) until this year (and especially this week).

I changed schools this year and I LOVE my new job.  It's amazing and I love the kids more maybe than I have any other group.  Middle school suits me.  But man, these kids are dealing with a lot.

These kids look forward to the days they can come to school on Saturdays because that means they get lunch that day.  One missed breakfast the other day (everyone at my school gets free breakfast) and was near tears in my class because he hadn't eaten since the snack he got at the after school program the previous day.  And then today I called a child to the hall to ask him why he hadn't come to after school math help.  I said "____, what happened to you yesterday afternoon?" And the kid fell apart.  I spent most of the period in the hall letting him talk while I listened.  And his stuff is TOO much.  This kid is 12 and has dealt with more in his life than you or I could imagine.

And so I think of that quote.  And I want to remember it before I fuss because a homework assignment is missing or worry that maybe one kid or another might not pass the end of year test.  Because these kids are fighting insanely hard battles.  And honestly, who cares about math homework when you have so much more at stake.