Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Let's talk about babies. Being here at BYU, tons of people have babies and that's fine, honestly. Today I was sitting in my health class (School Health for Elementary School Teachers). A girl who had already done some work in the classrooms and is further along in the program than I am told a story of a boy that had to sleep in the garage (not a nice fancy finished one, like a normal garage as far as I know) because there were 13 kids in his family and there was no room in his house. WHAT THE HECK?! I personally think that I'll wait to have kids until I have enough health insurance to pay for the having the baby and enough money to provide. I don't need to be rich, but I need to have enough. I understand that not everyone thinks that way and thinks you should not delay having children for any reason and that's fine. But, this situation is ridiculous. If you have too many kids and you aren't able to give them the basic needs like a warm place to sleep, then STOP HAVING KIDS. Now I'm just upset.


sarah joelle said...

also, if you have so many kids that you just tired of dealing with them and let your youngest run around in relief society while the STAKE RELIEF SOCIETY PRESIDENT is trying to give a lesson until another woman in relief society has to pick up your kid and put them back on YOUR LAP, then you should STOP HAVING KIDS.

Anonymous said...