Wal-Mart came to my school on Friday to do a quick assembly that was essentially them trying to get us to love Wal-Mart. It was mostly pointless, but 10 teachers were chosen by random drawing to get a $100 dollar gift card to buy things for their classroom. I'll be honest, I was hoping to be chosen, but wasn't bitter when I wasn't. In the teacher's lounge during lunch people were talking about what they'd spend theirs on and they weren't exactly sure what they'd want to buy had they won or anything. I, however, knew exactly what I wanted. Art supplies for my kids.
Thanks to a generous mom we have a whole load of construction paper which is helpful. Our class also has some off brand markers and colored pencils along with glue because of 1 cent back to school deals at various stores. A previous teacher left a tray of crayons and I donated what art supplies I had at home (except for anything glass, my nice watercolors, and a hot glue gun) to the classroom. We were doing ok. Thing is, art is extremely important to me (to make a well rounded person, to give a chance for kids that don't succeed and thrive academically to be the best, etc) and I wanted to have the opportunity to do amazing things this year.
I told all the previous to my mom when chatting with her Friday evening (yes, I still talk to my mom every day). The next morning I got a text message at about 7:30, "Up?" Rather than reply I just called her and asked what she wanted (in a nice way, I promise). "Congratulations, you win a $150 gift card." I had only been awake about five minutes at this point and was confused, "Huh?" "You win $150 dollars courtesy of dad and mom to buy art supplies for your classroom!" Being an eloquent and intelligent human being I naturally replied, "Shut. Up." Then I got up and squealed a little and did a happy dance by myself. So, I haven't spent any of the money yet and I'm not positive what I'm going to buy, but my kids are going to do art this year! Many many thanks to my lovely mother and father.