Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Feel Nauseous

I want to make it clear that this is not a personal attack in any way shape or form.  *Ahem* moving on.

Yesterday a friend of mine pinned this picture on Pinterest.

On first glance, I'm ok with this.  That's a pretty good motto to actually work instead of just complaining.  Can I stop here and tell you that I'm aware that I don't have a good pretty body and I probably never will?  I just felt that was relevant.  

Then I actually looked at this picture and I hated it.  Is this girl healthy thin or is she overly thin?  I'm sure some people have bodies where the shape and weight of the girl in this picture is ok.  Maybe.  Now I'm less sure.  Can you see that her hip bones are actually holding her underwear away from her body?  I've never seen that before in my life.  Is this the standard for having a good body?  Gah.  I don't usually complain about magazine covers and movie stars' thinness, but this is too much for me.  

I decided to research this picture a little bit rather than just rant and it just got worse and worse.  The girl who writes the blog/tumblr that this picture came from is not tiny thin.  She's working on losing weight and exercising more (which I fully support), but her motivational pictures are awful. 

(she actually got this picture from a different girl's blog that's focusing on starving herself and says "if your stomach is grumbling it means you're succeeding")

I'm going to stop posting these because they make me hate myself and hate everyone else. 


The Hands said...

I'd like to comment on behalf of straight men everywhere: that is not attractive. When I can see your ilia jutting out of you skin and distinct definition in your AC joints, it's just nasty. I know most women don't change the way they look specifically to impress straight men, but seriously, no guy I've ever met finds that attractive. There is a happy medium between morbidly emaciated and morbidly obese, just so everyone's clear. Soapbox vacated.

KB said...

ew. This makes me sick. We studied the "pro-ana" movement in my adolescent development class a few weeks ago. In case you're wondering... its a PRO-ANOREXIA movement which takes form through blogs and skinny skinny skinny-ass pictures on the internet such as these. They call it "thinspiration"... but to me it looks like "deathspiration"...

It's horrible. I love you. Okay bye.

B-Dub said...

Thanks for posting this. I too, fall into the definitely non-skinny category and yes, I am trying to become more healthy. But I think a lot of the "thinspiration" stuff on Pinterest and other sites is out of control and sometimes even offensive. It doesn't inspire me when you say that someone busier than me is working out or saying that skinny feels better than a cookie tastes. GET OVER YOURSELF. And yeah, those pics ARE NOT HEALTHY. I feel sad for this girl.