Sunday, April 4, 2010

Destiny is Ridiculous

I called my mom the other night the evening before my family (Dad, Mom, Glenn, Destiny, and Gabriel) was leaving for the beach. Destiny (my 6 year old niece who's in kindergarten) answered the phone. We had this conversation.

Me: Hey, girl, how are you?
Destiny: Oh, I'm pretty good. About to go on spring break. How about you?
Me: I'm good. Where are you going for spring break?
Destiny: The beach. Do you have spring break?
Me: No, I still have to go to school.
Destiny: I know you do. That's a shame. Don't you miss kindergarten? You get to color, you get spring break, you can lay out on the beach *thoughtful sigh* it's just so good.
Me: Why are you being so mean?
Destiny: Ok fine *sigh again* I guess we can talk about your life.

I left this conversation confused. Did that conversation just happen with a six year old?
P.S. Sorry for not blogging much lately. March was an insane month. Maybe I'll blog about it.


Ashley Serena said...

Thank heavens you're documenting these moments. :) They'll be great for a laugh or two on bad days.

What a witty little girl. 6-years-old??

ginger said...

Yeah. only six.

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha. You have to be kidding me!!! Didnt you laugh?

ginger said...

i laughed my head off