Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Leave No Man Behind

Someone I know tweeted this quote the other day.
No one can give you courage.  No one can thicken your skin.  I will not fail so you can be comfortable.  I will not lose because you can't win.
I'm not going to put who wrote it or who tweeted it because I think both should be embarrassed by it.  This quote is completely and exactly the opposite of motivational.  Also I think it's total bull shit.

Most of the people in this area are extremely religious.  What would Jesus say about this quote?  Because to me this quote says, "Man up and get over yourself because I can't take any time out of stepping on other people during my journey to the top to help my fellow man."

Let's turn our thoughts for a moment to the US military.  When I think abstractly of "getting shit done" I think of the military because they do.  And what is their unofficial motto thing that is in all the cheesy action movies?  Leave no man behind.  Not I won't lose because you can't win, LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND.  Because that's what classy people do.  Because that's what Christ-like people do.  Because that's what anyone who gives a damn about other people in the least does.

So yes.  I'm a fan of the phrase man up.  Sometimes you need to suck it up and move on.  But sometimes you are physically, mentally, and emotionally incapable of taking even one more step on your own and if only someone would help you just a tiny bit you could get up and run towards success with that person.  And then you can both win.  And you will both be better people.  And no one fails.  Is my point coming across?  If I win you don't lose and if you win I don't have to.  We can both win together.

Unless you're an asshole.


Stefanie said...
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Stefanie said...
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Lars said...

Not a huge fan of the song in its entirety at all. Its a bit condescending and patronizing. I read the lyrics and thought maybe it was different when sung/more direct context. I was wrong. The song comes across very much as "I've tried to be supportive of you but now you're not supportive enough of me so suck it up, get over and deal b/c I'm moving on." It's just kind of shitty.
That said - opinions, much like assholes, are a dime a dozen (and we've all got one lol). This song wasn't moving or tender or touching or any of that for me...just kind of made the guy seem like a grade A dick...but if it works for some people as somehow motivational so be it.

I think you're right G - a more productive attitude is probably one thats more "come on and we'll get through this together" and "let's get shit done" than 'sorry you can't be happy for my success now bugger off.'