Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Different Place, Different Time

I've been struck a few times over the past little while by the differences in culture between different groups of people regarding simple things.  Two quick examples:

A few weeks ago I got the word "wagon" on Draw Something while playing with my sister.  This is what I drew (or attempted to draw).

Just last night I was playing Draw Something with a Mormon friend of mine.  It quickly became clear that he too got the word "wagon."  Only, this friend drew something that resembled this.

I couldn't help but chuckle as this Mormon culture clashed with my childhood culture (which wasn't filled with Pioneer days and things of that nature like many LDS folks). 

Second example.  Just before Christmas break I had to confiscate at least a half dozen of these from students for playing with them in class (excessively, I might add).  

They're called HexBugs.  Basically these little battery powered bugs scuttle around all over the top of (or in most cases inside) your desk and are fun and actually act a lot like real bugs.  

Not two weeks later I was home for Christmas break talking to my dad about my class.  I told him they sometimes played with toys in their desks while I was teaching (though I didn't tell him what they played with).  Dad started musing about the days when he would bring a woolly bear caterpillar in from recess and keep it in his desk to play with.  

If you tell me that didn't give you a chuckle, you're a liar.  I guess boys will be boys and want to play with bugs during school: only now the bugs are electronic. 

P.S. Do they even have woolly bears in Utah? 

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