Thursday, February 6, 2014


Remember how earlier this week everyone started having a fit because of JKR trolling Harry Potter fans?  I've decided to share my opinion.  Mostly it's this: I don't care.

I like Hermione with Ron and her ability to be just friends with Harry.  I do find it significant that JK said she was clinging to the plot she first imagined and I think that kind of original imagining has some power and significance.  But I've never gotten involved in a shipping war because it doesn't matter.  Hermione is bad ass!  She's so smart (I sometimes get jealous which is embarrassing) and great at magic and an awesome planner and she reads a thousand books and has awesome friends.  She's compassionate and thoughtful and brave.  So no.  I don't care who her boyfriend is.

Monday, February 3, 2014

We Don't Go to School

Guess how many days I taught in January.  Go ahead, I'll wait....

(Random dogs courtesy of the internet). 

...just like Bruce Willis in that hugging commercial yesterday...

(What even is the internet.)

The answer is 13.  Or maybe 12.  Now I can't remember but it wasn't very many.  Basically it will snow one inch and then we won't go to school and then we will have a two hour delay then a day of school then four days off etc.  I think we might still be in school on the 4th of July.

You know what's cool though?  This weekend my dad got his hearing aids.  He's been shooting his whole life and listening to his music too loud and all that business.  And now he can hear Tori.  Tori is extremely quiet and he's needed a translator (one of the other adults or kids) to tell him what she says.  And now he can hear her.  Isn't that touching?  He also says he can hear how his own voice sounds for the first time in many years.  I teared up right in the middle of my pizza.

Displaying IMG_0707.jpg

The end.