Tuesday, January 1, 2013


This year I'm making three resolutions.  And yeah, I'm blogging them.  All aboard the cliche blogging train - choo choo!

1) Stay in better contact with the people I actually care about.  This specifically extends to Ashley and Megan, but also to people like Brittany (who I actually feel frequently connected to via twitter), Jeff, the Francs (like, occasionally text them not about Buffy or Joss Whedon being the boss of me) and a few others.  I feel awkward mentioning names.  Maybe I should take that out.  Or maybe I'll just tell awkward to kiss my ass.
*edit: I just realized (after getting her comment) that I didn't put Britt on here.  Perhaps it's because I've been afraid to contact her since my seriously awkward email (even though I want to congratulate her on being employee of the year at her job), or some subconscious asshole maneuver or whatever.  The point is, Britt is included in the list of people with whom I want to communicate more frequently.

2) Blog and journal more frequently or at least with some consistency. I actually like blogging, my life is just boring and busy.  And I like journaling (ever since I started typing it instead of writing it a few years ago).  I think journaling specifically helps ground me sometimes.  Who knows, maybe if I blog more I'll get funny again.

3) Lose 20 pounds.  I know this doesn't seem like much, but there it is.  I wanted to make it realistic and not insanely hard, but also not too easy.  If you're fat you can lose five pounds by accident because five pounds isn't even that much.  Losing 20 and actually keeping it off will require actual work, but not insane promises I'm never going to keep like giving up the Hershey nuggets in my desk drawer at school.

Honorable mention (meaning I haven't decided if I want to do these yet):
1) Wear makeup at least 4 days a week (unless I don't have to work).
2) Do my hair with something other than 2 bobby pins once a week (ditto the not work thing from above)

There you go.