Saturday, February 14, 2009

Of People

As part of my new not judging thing, I've been thinking a lot about people. People both as individuals and as the collective whole. These are a few thoughts that have arisen.
A lot of the time I say that I hate people. I think this is probably fairly common (at least it is among those that I encounter most often). I really, though, don't know why that is. Why is it that I say I hate people? Is it the compulsory conversation filler, such as the traditional, "I'm sooo tired"? Who knows. The question is, do I really hate people?

I'm inclined to say no. I probably really like people. I have some evidence. When groups are chatting and laughing loudly in the terrace by the cougareat, I love it. It makes me happy. This is possibly why I study the best there (also, the dull roar of noise). Also, and probably most convincingly, I love to hear stories. I want people to tell me about growing up and their favorite memory and their saddest memory and their pets and why they picked their major and what is their major and how they like their room mates and about their worst break up and favorite Christmas and on and on to infinity. I really enjoy this no matter the circumstances, but I'm often hesitant to ask any (much less all of these questions) because I'm afraid people will think I'm nosey. Maybe I am, but I love to hear about people's lives.

There are times, though, that people drive me absolutely nuts. I'm still working on the judging thing, so I'll try not to go much into that (like how I hate when people don't keep the dress and grooming standards (especially leggings under short dresses) and other terribly judgmental things). I hate when people purposely hurt other people. I can't stand lying. And downright meanness drives me crazy. I'm probably not one to talk about any of these things (except the tights ;)), but that's just how I think.

I may have bored you to death with this post, but that doesn't matter too much. I wasn't trying to and I really wanted to blog about people, so I get to :). Have a beautiful day and tell me your stories!


Valerie said...

Buttercup always teases me that I ask too many questions when I talk to people. I always tell her it's cuz I'm curious and people LOVE talking about themselves, so we're the same on that part.
Some people drive me crazy too and I'm working hard at non-judging as well. It's not easy, is it?
Who ever said that wearing leggings was cute? I think it's hideous! And there I go, judging others again.

Caroline said...

I don't think it's nosy to ask about people's lives. If somebody just sat down and asked me about my life. I'd be really flattered. I think it shows that you're generally interested and that you really care. I wouldn't be creeped out by it.

ginger said...

People do love to talk about themselves and I like that. If me learning about people allows them to talk about themselves and get some joy from that, then excellent! I'm not sure the tights thing is judging. It's just true :).
Caroline, I'll have to ask you about your life sometime.