Sunday, July 11, 2010


I love church. I really do. There is so much that can be learned there. However, some things that tend to happen at church drive me out of my mind and I'm going to blog about them now.

1. When girls sing the tenor line of the hymn an octave high. Often they're not doing it well which is part of the problem, but quit showing off! It's church, not a performance. The tenor line is for the guys to sing.

2. When people who sing the hymns in the language they learned on their mission. I'm really happy that people served and had the opportunity to learn a new language, but really? This is an English meeting. If you don't know any other language then sing in the one you know (or pray in the one you know, or whatever), but if you know the language of the meeting, use it.

3. The phrase "when I was on my mission." Mission stories are not inherently bad or braggy or misplaced, but they seem to be used that way quite often. Guys and girls alike (and in my ward the girls are worse for it) seem to think serving a mission made them the ultimate expert on anything and everything church related and some take every opportunity to remind you of the fact (often making the meeting run over about ten minutes). I want to reiterate that I think serving a mission is a great thing to do and can really help people grow, but it shouldn't be the end all and be all of your growth and the only source of your testimony.

4. Unprepared teachers. It's no secret that the teaching in the church can often be a little bit lackluster. Often, it's painful to watch. I know that I've procrastinated before (as we all have) but watching people prepare their lessons for the second in third hour during the first turns a switch in my mind and I tune out before I even get to the class. I have had some really great Sunday School lessons and even great Relief Society lessons, but the unprepared teachers reading straight from the manual are not the ones giving them.

Ok, end rant. On a happier note, how cute is this? I can't stop looking at it over and over.


Wees said...

I know this is on a somewhat different level but may I just add the good ol' Sacrament Meeting Fingernail Clipping to your list?

ginger said...

please tell me this didn't actually happen...

sarah joelle said...

oh it happens all the time in the noblesville ward.

Valerie said...

How about when the organist plays EVERY SINGLE HYMN like she's playing at a funeral? Even the happy sunshine songs?