Monday, July 26, 2010

The Wooten Team

My sister's husband has been working on adopting her two kids from her previous marriage. Even though this wasn't complete (until about yesterday) the two kids (being 5 and 6) went ahead and called themselves by his last name.

Now, Destiny was in kindergarten this past year. And let me tell you, if there ever was a reason to use the "b" word her teacher was it. The lady just wasn't nice or accommodating in any way (which I thought was required to be a kindergarten teacher). She refused to call Destiny by her preferred name (Destiny Wooten) and instead called her by my sister's ex-husband's name (Destiny Pope). I don't know why it was such a big deal to this teacher if the 6 year old called herself by her for all intents and purposes daddy's last name. So, when the adoption paper finally came in the mail and all had gone through and the birth certificates now list my sister's husband as the father Destiny had one thought, "Mom, can we take this to Ms. Shuppin and show her that my last name is Wooten?" Man, I love that girl.

(No picture this post, but plenty are coming soon. Don't you worry.)

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