Saturday, September 18, 2010

Football Fight

Today the BYU v FSU game was on some crap network (ESPN-U) that no one really gets around here unless they pay for a sports package. So BYUSA teamed up with Cougar United to hold a party in the Wilk (the student building with the food court and stuff for those of you that don't go to BYU) for people to gather and watch the game. There was some hot dogs and lemonade and a ton of people and a big screen and happiness. Problem is, there was this one FSU fan. Homeboy was being pretty obnoxious and standing to clap while the rest of us were sad when BYU was not doing so hot. May I just remind you that this was on the BYU campus? Yeah, what a jerk. Shortly thereafter BYU made some great play and people pointed and hollered at the FSU fan and one BYU fan ran up and yelled something really close to the douche. Well, Mr. Idiot FSU fan decided to stand up and do a little chest push on harmless, but celebratory BYU guy. Event staff came over as the two guys yelled at each other and a little bit more pushing happened. The whole ballroom full of people stopped watching the game and started watching for a fight. I hoped someone would throw a punch because, hey, who doesn't like a good fight? It all simmered down, though event staff stayed close to those two guys.

Oh, and we did lose. It was pretty sad.

On a happier note this is hilarious to me. STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING! I did warn you. I know some of you that read this are good nice people that aren't so wicked as I am.

Sidenote: miss him.

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