Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Weekend in Review

The good:

1. Thursday: Inception with Sarah, Vampire Diaries with Sarah, and watching the Backstreet Boys on Oprah (TiVo'd so we didn't have to watch the whole episode).
2. Basketball vs. BYU-Hawaii (exhibition game) in which we dominated and had a grand old time and of course saw our dang awesome team and got stoked for the season (except Jackson Emery didn't play which was sad).

3. Eating some of these with Sarah and Mike.

4. Watching That Thing You Do (ok, so I slept through half because I was tired).

5. Dang awesome football game vs. UNLV on Saturday including seats all the way at the top of the east bleachers and completely dominating UNLV (55 - 7).
(picture stolen from Sarah)
6. Productive time before getting ready and going to wait in line.
(picture stolen from Sarah)
7. For Divine Comedy with Sarah, Britt, and Kyle! (which was hilarious I think).

The bad:

1. The Colts lost to the Eagles today.

2. Probably because of this. :(

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