Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Authenticating the Experience

Most of you know that I went here.

And also to Disney World. Do you know what makes the experience of going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter even more awesome and authentic? THE WHOLE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND ON SPRING BREAK APPARENTLY. Everyone was British on our vacation to Orlando! One time the people next to me were not British, they were Scottish. It was kind of awesome, but basically shocking. I was told Disney World was full of Asians and there were a lot of Asians, but not near as many as British people. I loved it. Especially one British mom that sounded like Molly Weasley hanging out in Zonko's talking about Puking Pastilles and U No Poo. Awesome.


Ashley Serena said...

Yesss, British people.
And Scottish. Accents are a win.

KB said...

OMG how has no one addressed the situation occuring in the bottom-left corner of that picture. Gew!