Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Christmas Story

My sister tells Tori stories before bedtime.  Tori says "Momma, tell me a story about a unicorn" so Heather tells a story about Princess Victoria who saves the unicorn or whatever.  If she wants a story about a shark then Princess Victoria fights a shark and wins.  Last night she wanted a Christmas story.  Here's the exchange.

Tori: Mom, tell me a Christmas story. 

Heather: Ok, I'll tell you the Christmas story.  Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl and her name was Mary.  The Angel came an told her "You're going to have a baby and his name will be Jesus."

Tori: No Mom!  Not Mary's baby Jesus. Toria's baby Jesus. 

Heather: No, it's Mary's baby Jesus. Mary and her husband Joseph traveled a long long time to stay in the inn.  There wasn't any room so they had to stay with the animals.  Then the baby Jesus was born and Mary and Joseph snuggled him.

Tori: No, not Mary.  That's Toria's baby Jesus.  Tori snuggled the baby Jesus.

My sister is building a slightly self-centered child.  It's hilarious. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is fantastic. I love it.