Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He Ran so Our Children Can Fly

I know not all of you out there like Obama. In fact, I know there are a lot of you that read my blog who severely dislike President Obama. You probably should just skip this post if that is the case.

This was a day that made history. A black man (a black man) was elected President of the United States of America. The same America that gave the world the Ku Klux Klan has now given the world a black president. This is amazing. I read on a bumper sticker on facebook (and I'm sure that came from somewhere else) something that said

Rosa sat so Martin could walk.

Martin walked so Obama could run.

Obama ran so our children can fly.

That touches me deep in my soul. I don't care if you're black, white, purple, or polka-dot. While evil continues to grow and opposition comes from all sides, this one thing we were able to over come. We are allowed, amongst all this wickedness, one step forward. I was not able to watch the inauguration live because of classes and other things, but thanks to Tivo I just finished watching it. It was beautiful. I found myself tearing up several times as that great man stood up and declared that change would come. I am so happy.
I have put up with a lot of stuff people have said about it, but that time is done. It is time for us to unite and support this man. Today in my D&C class, Brother Bott was talking about the constitution hanging by a thread. We've all heard that before, but he added a quote about how the elders of Israel will be the only ones left supporting it in the end. So, the question is, where do you fall? Are you going to support the President, the country, and the Constitution (whether or not you agree with all the seperate politics) or are you against it all?

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