Saturday, March 19, 2011


Yeah. I'm blogging about clothes, what of it? Here's the deal. I hate girl shirts. I love how they look and the stretchier more fitted material. What's the problem, you say? It's the sleeves. On girl shirts the sleeves are really short on the underside, maybe an inch at the very most. Do you know how irritating it is to have the seam of your sleeve basically in your armpit all the time? Very annoying. And for those of us who don't have beautifully toned (but not masculine) arms, a little bit of a longer sleeve can do a lot to cover up the stressful area (at least, the sleeve makes me feel slightly more confident). Not to mention that I don't like seeing that tiny sliver of fabric that shouldn't even be called a sleeve on some of my friends. Some girls don't exactly shave as much as they should and the infinitesimal scrap does nothing to hide their un-groomed underarms. Gross. Dear shirt makers, please just add another inch or so to the sleeve.

Related: I absolutely love the shirts with sleeves that are just above the elbow (a little shorter than 3/4 sleeves). They are so cozy without being too hot. Perfection.


Heather Rose said...

SO agreed. Also, you forgot to close your parentheses on the...second ones? I think at least.

But yeah. I agree. I like sleeves. And I don't like people seeing my armpits, nor do I enjoy seeing other peoples. Even on guys, it weirds me out a bit.

B-Dub said...

I don't think you understand how much I agree with all of this.