Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Saturday

Let's explore my Saturday with some help from my facebook status updates.

Started off sleeping in (7:30) and then got up and was productive (planned all my lessons for the week) while watching two movies (one of which was Beauty and the Briefcase, stop judging). While planning my lessons I realized I wasn't as smart as I used to be and it bothered me. Then comes this status.

dear stafford friends: if anyone can find a picture of the cover of our ap stats book, ap calc book, and math analysis book from high school i will literally pay you or mail you goodies or be your best friend for life.

Yeah, I'm buying the high school level math books from high school so I can teach myself higher level math again. I still can't remember which math analysis book we used and it's frustrating me.

I went out and bought "Teach Me How to Jimmer" shirts for Sarah and I (see video here and watch for yours truly). I went and did a little grocery shopping, visited Sarah at work, then went home to watch the basketball game. Next status update.

sweet sixteen! i'm wearing my jimmer face shirt and have my hair braided and people are driving around provo acting a little bit crazy and honking. and i'm about to bake oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies.

That's right! We won! And I baked. BYU in the Sweet Sixteen, baby! Do you know how much I love baking? More info on the product in a post tomorrow. I also started a corned beef brisket in the crockpot (which I just tested and it's DELICIOUS). I was chilling and doing more productive things when I saw that the Jimmer Head facebook fan page posted that the team was getting into the airport at 11:30. Naturally I went over with Sarah and her roommates to great the team. And.

just held hands with jimmer fredette.

you know, touch, hold hands, same thing.

It was raining and cold, but obviously worth it. We saw the players, we touched some players, we took pictures with players, and I HIGH FIVED JIMMER FREDETTE! Suck on that, Jimmer bandwagon fans. Overall, great day (and I didn't even include how I went to Divine Comedy with the people on Friday night and it was one of the funniest I've ever seen in all my Divine Comedy attendances and we ate Five Guys in the hall while we were waiting and watched Kid History [again, another post]).

P.S. Pictures coming soon. Promise.

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