Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Year's Resolutions - Another Update

I am the worst blogger ever.  The worst part about this is that I feel like I have interesting things to say, but I'm just not saying them right now.  In all fairness, life has slowed down significantly for the summer.  Things are still moving, but there are less classes, less homework, and less social life.  I know, I really need to work on that social life part.  I decided, though, that it was time to give you all a little update on my New Year's Resolutions again.  For the purpose of, you know, keeping me honest.

1. Stop spelling out swears when I want to say them
gone. at least for now, this doesn't happen anymore (though sometimes when I'm talking about the neighbor's cat, I get upset and I'm tempted
2. Stop saying piss
also hasn't happened for quite awhile.  I slipped up once about a month or so ago, but I can't expect perfection. 
3. Stop saying douche bag and douche canoe
Done and done.  I rarely feel tempted unless I'm talking to my friends about guys acting like idiots, jerks, or both
4. Stop judging people
I'm making major progress here.  I'm talking about a whole heck of a lot of progress.  This isn't something like the others, though, where I can just eliminate something from my vocabulary and then I'm out of the habit.  Oh no, it's much more difficult than that and I work at it every single day. 
5. Write in my journal at least once a week, preferably more (in a word document)
I wrote in my journal today.  The last entry before then was March 10th.  Failure much?
6. Read more for fun

Does it count if the novels I'm reading for class are fun so I'm reading them way ahead of time?  Also I read The Hunger Games which was absolutely fabulous.  Summer is giving me a lot of time for reading (but that is damaging my social life a bit)

Well, folks, there it is all plain and simple.  I'm making progress on my resolutions which is saying something cosidering I have never made any before.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  I don't think I'll leave you with a picture today.  I apologize. 

1 comment:

sarah joelle said...

hahaha, good work! although, its probably just because i'm not in provo. i just bring that side of you out. y'know, the judgy side of you that says all the words you're trying not to say. hahaha. love you!