Friday, May 15, 2009

What I Saw and What I Learned

This morning I had a nice slow morning.  I woke up and laid in my bed reading for awhile (homework reading, but it was a good book).  I then moved to my desk and did some other homework, still in my pajamas, with the window open and the lovely spring breeze blowing in my face.  A little later I decided it was time to make my bed and left my desk.  I heard yelling and profanities outside my window.  I decided to look through the blinds because I really wanted to know what was going on (call me nosey if you like).

What I saw: 
A man that worked for a plumbing company was out  by his truck screaming.  He had parallel parked on the wrong side of the street (so he was facing the wrong direction).  He was screaming and yelling at the University Parking Enforcement guy that had just finished attaching the ticket to his windshield.  The plumber yelled that he had only been there for 10 *freaking* minutes and didn't give a *dang* if it was his job to enforce parking.  The conversation went on and resulted in the plumber crumpling up the ticket, throwing it on the ground, and then picking it up and speeding away while the parking guy got his license plate number.  As I have already stated, the yelling wasn't very friendly.  It was the profanity that first startled me enough to look out my window.

What I learned:
I thought about this incident for the rest of the morning and early afternoon.  And then I though about my own life.  How often have I knowingly done something wrong only to be dissatisfied and even angry with the results of my actions.  A lot.  Sometimes, it's been simple things like speeding or hitting a sibling.  Other times, it's been more serious.  I've been through a lot of periods in my life where I haven't read the scriptures every day.  I know that it's a commandment that we do it.  I have been personally blessed by reading the scriptures daily.  Still, when I'm at a point in my life when I'm choosing not to read, I'm frustrated with how messy my life is, how much of a shambles.  From now on, I'm going to try not to be like the plumber, angry at others (and even God) for the mistakes I knowingly make.  I will of course try to do the right things.  If that doesn't always happen (and let's be real, it won't always happen), I hope I can remember to take responsibility. 

Just thought I'd share a little wisdom, or at least thoughtfulness.

This is what I read this morning.  Not a great read, but not bad.  TERRIBLE cover art. 


Don Layton said...

Hi Ginger,

I thought I could at least return the favor and check out your blog. I don't know you but I think you have your head in the right place. I'm glad Sean has friends like you at BYU.

Don Layton

ginger said...

Thank you. I appreciate that. Also, I think I'll do what you said and send a letter.

Unknown said...

Hey, Ginger! Love your blog. This entry really hit me hard. I love it when things people say make change things about myself, or inspire me to change them. You're so right on this post, and I also liked what you said on that post about making out. It really made me think on how much attention people pay to that instead of more important things. I'm not done with that though :D Take much care and God bless.

Maureen said...

Agreed, I'm in trouble right now for my stupid mistake, and when I sense myself putting my mistakes on someone else I have to snap back to reality and realize that i'm responsible for me.
I like your blog a lot!

ginger said...

thank you thank you.