Monday, May 25, 2009

The Weekend in Review

This extended weekend was absolutely fabulous.  I got a lot of chill time and a lot of play time.  Here's how it went.

Friday and Saturday I did a lot of relaxing and reading.  I read the rest of the required chapter books for children's lit (a biography of Lincoln, Tiger Tiger, Corner of the Universe, The Devil's Arithmetic, and finished Heir apparent).  I went to the library and checked out all 34 picture books I needed for my project in children's lit and read those.  I watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" on Saturday night and all around had a good amount of chill time. 

Sunday I of course went to church and between church and home I wrote six missionary letters (Brady, Cody, Sean Ryan Layton, Brock, Tyler, and the Schlerf).  I tried a new recipe that turned out delicious and had dinner with Sean and Jaimie (mile high enchilada pie).  After ward prayer I played games with the 77 boys and Randi and Alex for awhile then went to play hearts with Travis and his friends Seth and Abe (who are fairly hysterical).  I actually finished Tiger, Tiger late that night and then slept in a bit the next morning.

Memorial Day is a great thing, right?  I went to Abe and Seth's ward picnic and hung out with a girl from my class and a girl from my ward.  We played ultimate frisbee in the pool that's over there and had an all around great time.  My skin got a lot of color which may be my favorite part of the weekend.  I took a quick nap when I got home then pulled myself together for the ward party.  We went to the Bishop's and had some great food, played Bocci ball, chatted, and played Wii.  Also majorly successful.  As soon as I got home I went to Ashley's and hung out with Ashley, Tresa, and Randi.  We watched Jon and Kate plus 8 so that we could see the major drama (I won't take the time to explain it here, just pick up a tabloid next time you're at the grocery counter).  

I know my life might sound a little too boring, but I am absolutely loving it right now.  
Right before I left for school (actually the last weekend before) I dragged the whole family (with metaphorical kicking and literal screaming) for family pictures.  It was painful and challenging, but we got some that turned out alright.  Back row is my oldest sister Heather, me, my other older sister Laurel, and my younger sister Donna.  My dad is holding my nephew Gabe (now age 4) and Mom is holding my niece Destiny (now age 5) and my baby brother Glenn.  Most of the family looks a lot different now.


sarah joelle said...

ahahaha. bocci ball. you know what that makes me think of? i bet you do.

and you are such a good missionary writer. sean ryan layton even? WOW. look at you go!

ginger said...

i have NO idea what bocci ball makes you think of. seriously. please share.

Stephen said...

not THE 77 boys...

ginger said...

Ok ok. You're exactly right.

syd b. said...

Ginger! I miss you so much. I love your chill weekend. I'm so sad I missed out on the ward party. How is the ward doing this semester? Say hi to everyone for me! Love ya tons girl. Keep posting because I love keeping up with your life!

ginger said...

The ward is pretty fantastic (even though it's not the same without you). We have fun old people and fun new people and it's fab. You keep posting too because i love reading your Jerusalem adventures :) Love.