Saturday, May 30, 2009

Strange Observation

Ok, how many of you out there remember your first kiss?  I'll be honest, I only remember mine very vaguely.  What about when you were new to kissing?  Ok, got that image/idea in your head?  Follow me a little bit here.  

So, before you ever have kissed anyone (at least girls, from what I've heard) you have one idea in your mind what kissing someone is like.  You get that idea from watching movies with the perfect moment and from fairy tales (I don't know where guys get their ideas about kissing).  Then you actually kiss someone and it's so not what you expected.  It's not that it's bad (ok, first kisses suck, but besides that).  Kissing is just different than what you thought it was like before you actually did it.  

Today I decided that that's like a lot of things in life.  You come into a situation with certain expectations, and almost always you're wrong.  It doesn't mean that things are going to turn out badly just because you didn't quite understand before you were thrust into something new.  Yep, I just used a kissing metaphor.  What of it?

And, to celebrate the topic, a kissing scene from the movie Becoming Jane.


sarah joelle said...

yes. this is true. very very very true. this is pretty much true for everything i've done in my whole life. sometimes it sucks, sometimes it doesn't.

dangit. now i reeeeally wish it was next september. argh.

Unknown said...

Umm, well even though I don't exactly remember my first kiss, I'm pretty sure it was good. But I realized that the kiss depends on who you kiss, wether you really like them or if they're good kissers. Sometimes when you first kiss someone it's actually better than how you imagined it would be.

About life in general, it's totally true, and there's a lot of things that are definitely overrated.

Valerie said...

I count my first kiss as one of my most embarassing moments in my life. I want to push it to the back of my mind and NEVER remember it, but somehow I always get reminded of it.
It was a good metaphor though! and LOVE the Jane Austen movie. Although Anne Hathaway was too skinny in it.