Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother

It's mother's day, so I'm gonna go ahead and blog about my Mom.  Don't pretend you weren't expecting it.  
1.  My mom and I are really good friends.  
2. I tell her everything (and I mean everything).
3. We generally get irritated by the other members of my family at the same time. 
4. During Christmas break my freshman year at BYU we watched the whole VH1 ANTM marathon.  For about 7 days straight.
5. We really like to watch reality TV together including almost anything on Bravo, HGTV, and Food Network.  Our favorite by far is survivor.
6. We go grocery shopping together.  This is usually an all day event. 
7. Sometimes we play with the boys (my dad and Glenn).
8. She talks to me on the phone several times a day.
9. Sometimes when I'm rambling she just full on stops paying attention.  It is annoying.
10. We're a good match for driving.  I hate riding and she hates driving.  She doesn't care if I listen to music or books on tape so long as she can sleep.
11. We are great nappers.
12. She lets me sit in her nest even though I'm a grown up adult.
13. Sometimes she lets me be pathetic and just cry when I'm being a girl.
14. She'll let me tell her my secrets and she doesn't tell dad.
15. My mom's always cold and I'm always warm so she'll put her cold hands on my neck etc which is beneficial to both of us.
16. We get crazy redecorating ideas together that don't happen because Dad finds out.

My mom is pretty fantastic.  And Happy Mother's Day to all the other Mom's out there.

This picture is when I dropped Mom off at the airport after our roadtrip to Provo the summer before sophomore year. 


Valerie said...

Very sweet!

Ivy and Haley said...

I love it when children talk about loving their parents. It's just wonderful.

I saw your comment on the post secret blog. It shocked me, because I'm constantly concerned that there will be no one to love me later. I wondered where your fearlessness comes from, and this explains it.

Come visit our blog! And comment please, we love comments :)

sarah joelle said...

i kill strippers for a living.
you've been warned.

Ivy and Haley said...

We're students before we are strippers.

And we are biology majors. So if you come after us prepare for biological warfare. You have been warned.

And, if you want to get the two of us you should come before October, because I'm leaving for Antarctica then.

sarah joelle said...

antartica? you can't strip in antartica.

also, why are you creeping on a blog of someone that you don't even know?

also, i can't believe i just got threatened with biological warfare by a couple of strippers. hahahaha, oh my life.

Ivy and Haley said...

I refer to my previous comment to answer your question as to how I found this blog.

And I'll be doing research in Antarctica (studying the microbial organisms in the lakes underneath the ice). You're right, there probably won't be much stripping involved. Though if I dance at all while I'm there, it would technically be pole dancing. Hmmm...

And what is your issue with strippers?

ginger said...

can we play nice?

sarah joelle said...

ginger, i think you should just go private.

Ivy and Haley said...

Oh yes. You must protect yourself from rogue strippers in the blogsphere.

Whatever. I liked the comment she made on post secret, so I came here to tell her so. I'm sorry that I offended you with my stripper-ness. But you should think outside the box. Who is paying your college tuition? Mom and Dad? Not so much here. If I didn't do this, then I wouldn't be able to stay in school. So I'm capitalizing on my current most valuable resource while I invest in my other valuable resource.

Glad you are privileged enough that you don't have to make difficult decisions.