Monday, March 30, 2009

Waiting: What Does That Say About Our Men?

The MGs. Missionary Girls. The ones who are waiting for two years until the man they fell in love with does his full time service to the Lord. Yeah, those girls. You know the ones I mean. Most of them don't make it. Those are just the facts. Like them, hate them, whatever, everyone (including me) has an an opinion about the whole waiting situation. That is not the point of this post, I'm just introducing the topic here.

Now, on to the main point. These girls do exist. These MGs we'll say for the sake of saving space and because I want to and this is my blog. There are girls waiting for missionaries. What does this say about our men? In most cases I'll assume that the guy knows that he has a girl at home (if not, then there's a whole other situation and problem going on). So, whether she makes it or not, how positive is this about our men? I'm serious. I was considering this and these people have to meet and fall in love. They decide that they at least think they want to spend their lives together and get married. And then...he still leaves! For two years! To serve the Lord! That's amazing to me. Really. I know in some cases it's societal, cultural, or familial pressure that leads these guys to serve, but I'd like to think that most of the time it's because they are righteous men and are willing to do whatever is necessary and make the painful sacrifices in order to do what is required. That's amazing.

Two disclaimers: I know that there are other situations and that these opinions don't always apply to every situation and that not everyone is righteous or whatever. Also, I have no idea who this guy is. I'm notorious for just google searching to find a fun picture for my blog.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Righteous Missionaries

I know a lot of people on missions. I love them. Espeicially Brady and Cody. I know a lot of RMs too. I love them as well. I think it's an awesome and righteous thing to do, the thing to do (if you're a guy of course, and an excellent idea for some girls). Anyway, that's not the point of this post. I know a lot of people who have been called, are in, or have been to places all over the world, and you know what? None of them are better than any other one because of where they went. I was talking to a friend today who said he wouldn't have been as happy had he been called to, say, North Dakota (that was his specific example). Really?! Are you serious? Is wherever the Lord calls you not good enough? This complex (that a lot of people seem to have) is extremely frustrating. A guy in my ward served a faithful mission to Salt Lake City. Seriously. There are both elder and sister missionaries on BYU campus. I have a friend in California and one in Arizona. A kid from my ward last year went to Wyoming and another of my friends happened to serve in DC South (the mission with my home ward in it). All these guys are righteousi -- just as righteous as the friend I have who went to Thailand, the one who went to Japan, and the ones who got their mission calls to Taiwan and the Phillipines. Let the complex drop. They're all good guys (and girls). The important thing isn't where they serve[d] their missions, it's how diligent and humble they are.

And a special shoutout to my roommate who served an ASL mission in New York City.

On a sidenote, I like to have pictures on my blog so I did a google image search. Do you know what you get when you search 'Mormon Missionaries'? Pictures from that Mormon Exposed: Men on a Mission calendar....Not sure how I feel about that.
Also, where is this guy's companion?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Engagement -- For Real This Time

Well, to put it as Chris did, the first one bites the dust. In all reality, I'm thrilled. I went to Sean's intramural game with Jaimie yesterday and then they came over later that night. I was wondering why they were there and asked. Jaimie said it had been to long since she'd seen me. It took me a good minute (or at least thirty seconds) to realize she had a GORGEOUS ring on her finger. Cue massive freaking out and hugging jaimie and screaming a lot. I'm so excited! Soon there will be a wedding that I will attend and I will know the people in it! Woo!
Other news, last night I laughed hysterically for a good five minutes when I realized that the last boy Heather kissed and the last boy I kissed are the same boy. I don't know why it is so funny to me, but it is.

Also, today I accidentally used the phrase 'butt ice.' Don't even ask, but it was hilarious.
Thought the final: I met Cody's dad and two sisters today. Nice family. It was nice to be around a real family and just chill.
Here's a picture I took at the game last night of the happy couple (pre-engagement):

Give Sean a break for his red sweatiness. He had just played an awesome game of basketball and basically run circles around everyone the whole time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I think about dying a lot. Like, more than most people, a lot. If that freaks you out, you probably shouldn't be reading my blog. The idea of death doesn't bother me (my own). I don't want anyone else to die, but the thought of dying is ok by me. In some ways, I think I'd prefer it. A note here: I would never commit suicide, so don't worry about that. I'm not tryin to be insensitive here, I'm serious. I was watching Grey's Anatomy with Sarah the other day and one of the characters has a problem that will kill her in a maximum of four months. I immediately started thinking of what I would do if I had four months to live. Not things like go sky diving or anything like that, more like tell people what I think (the good things that might not be socially acceptable) etc. This is probably not a good thing to think about. I just think dying would be easier.

There is an overpass on the main highway at home (interestate 95 for anyone interested). People seem to use this overpass a lot to jump off when their life gets too hard. A lot of the time they make a big scene and shut down traffic for a long time and still jump (not that I'm saying it isn't worth it to shut down the highway to try and talk someone down). On March 16th, a man quietly pulled his black SUV over to the side of the road, got out, and jumped off the bridge. This man's name was Paul Mitchell. He was a friend of my father's. His wife has been wheel chair bound and severely ill for about twelve years. Apparently his life got too hard. All weekend my dad thought he should call Paul because he hadn't talked to him for awhile. Monday it was too late. Please watch out for the people you know. You never know what can happen.

This is the bridge people jump from. As you can tell the river is not deep enough to give anyone a chance.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Three Random Thoughts

These are just some things I have discovered. They are silly and inconsequential. Enjoy.

1. The first day I was sick a couple weeks ago, I woke up and brushed my teeth as usual (I hadn't decided yet that I wasn't going to class). Then I got out my contact case and went to put in my right contact. Unfortunately, I still had a little bit of toothpaste foam on my right finger which then got onto my contact and into my eye. Cue the pain. That solidified my decision not to go to class.
2. Another contact story. A couple mornings ago I got up and opened my contact case....and proceeded to dump both of my contacts right down the sink. I was tired and somehow confused the morning put in the contacts routine with the night dump out the old solution and take out the contacts routine. Good thing it was about time for a new pair anyways.

3. You know that one spot that is impossibly hard to scratch on your own back? The one kind of between your shoulder blades but down a little bit? Try putting a band-aid there. It is completely and utterly impossible.

I put this picture here because I think that blog posts with pictures are more accesible (I'm not sure that's the right word). It's a random picture I found, don't think I'm emo and went hunting for it or anything.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Year's Resolutions: The March Update Edition

Ok, here's the list of resolutions that I have:

1. Stop spelling out swears when I want to say them

2. Stop saying piss

3. Stop saying douche bag and douche canoe

4. Stop judging people

5. Write in my journal at least once a week, preferably more (in a word document)

6. Read more for fun

1- I have been doing SO good at this. Seriously, I barely even do this ever and I can't think of the last time I did.

2- This one has been really hard. I've generally been catching myself before I say it, but the other day it slipped out. I blame Sarah :)

3- I think of this one sometimes, but I have been able to catch myself. I'm proud.

4- I was doing pretty good at this one for a week or two, but then I slipped back into the habit without even realizing. I'm really trying and I've realized that I've slipped so I'm really working on it.

5- This hasn't been perfect. I have five entries, but some of them are close together and some are far apart, but the fact that I've written anything at all is impressive for me.

6- I don't read that much, but I've been reading at least a chapter a night of Pride and Prejudice. It's pretty awesome (I've read it before) and it's a great way to wind down before I go to sleep.

P.S. Haven't been having nightmares for a few weeks now. Score!

Weekends are Amazing

Can we please talk about the awesomeness that was my weekend for a minute?

Friday -

1. Met Jonathan Tavernari's fiancee during a group meeting

2. Got a Jamba juice from Sarah (and planned a girl/movie night)

3. Picked Sarah up, bought snacks, watched the Mormon version of Pride and Prejudice

4. Played Pirates of the Caribbean Life with Marci and Paul Shade

5. Did homework

6. Went to bed.

I know it doesn't sound that fun, but I really enjoyed it. I found it relaxing and productive.

Saturday -

1. Slept in until I was done sleeping.

2. Took my time getting ready and experimented with my hair

3. Made a lunch like 4-year-olds have for Jaimie, Sarah, and me (grilled cheese, applesauce, cookies, and we drank out of small cups).

4. Did a group project with the two of them and did our grammar midterm

5. Went to Wal-Mart (bought new razor blades [hooray] and fourteen pounds of chocolate pudding)

6. Went to the basketball game super early and played War with Sarah (and Sarah played gameboy for a little)

7. Watched the Cougars beat Airforce and clinch the [tied] number one spot in the MWC

8. Stayed for the presentation at the end with the confetti in the air and the cutting of the net

9. Went to the ringing of the victory bell.

10. As the players went back inside I touched all of the following (I am extremely starstruck at this point): Gavin McGregor, Jimmer Fredette, Chris Miles, Jonathan Tavernari, Jackson Emery, and James Anderson (I hope I didn't forget anyone). This was probably the highlight of my week.

11. Went to Spoon Me with Sean, Jaimie, and Sarah. Paid too much for a mediocre dessert. I was informed that the spoons were biodegradable and edible so I ate one. Video will appear on facebook.

12. Ate chicken barbecue at my house with Sean, Jaimie, and Sarah.

13. Played games (first with Sean and Jaimie, then with Ben and McKenzie).

14. Had roommate bonding with Meghan and McKenzie.

I don't think I can express how excited I was to have touched those players, just to have been so close to them. It was amazing. Those guys are awesome and just...ah. It's amazing.

That's Lee Cummard. Number 30 who played his final game (he's a senior) in the Marriot Center tonight. He was amazing and BYU will miss him. Plus, how awesome is this picture?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

To Catch Up

I'm just gonna go ahead a write the things that I think are important in a hopefully short format (list style) and catch you guys up.

1. I am now 20. This is magical. I never have to be a teenager again.
2. I had an amazing birthday party, thanks in no small part to Marci for helping me out, but also all my friends made it amazing.
3. Ben (Bright) gave me a picture of a polar bear he drew and I really like it so I hung it above my mantle.
4. My friends (Marci and Sarah) made me amazing birthday dinner and cake on my actual birthday and it was so much fun.
5. We're having potato burritos for dinner on Sunday. Yum.
6. My room mate turned 22.
7. I got sick the day after my birthday party. I was sick in bed for a few days. Boo for the flu.
8. I have tons of new (to me) music courtesy of Sarah and Jaimie.
9. I decided that I'm going to do spring term and then go home for a few weeks so I don't completely not have family all summer because I would cry.
10. I'm considering going to Arizona with Marci, Mitchell, Jaimie, and Sean in May.
11. I'm considering going to the Mae concert with Marci and whoever in May.
12. There were BYUSA elections this week. Let's talk about a waste of my life. I voted to get a free t-shirt.

I think that's a good general catch up. Did I forget anything?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why I Haven't Been Posting

Ok, so you may have noticed my lack of posting. It's kind of a problem and has been nagging me, but here is why. I got the flu and was sick for a few days and kind of slept it off and didn't want to have to think enough to write a coherent blog post. Then I got over being sick and had a lot of homework to catch up on. Not to mention a lot of pressure to blog about all the good stuff like my birthday party and my birthday and all the amazingness that happened and about being sick and about the Utah game and about how I didn't get to go and on and on and on. So I have all that pressure and it makes me not want to blog at all. I don't deal well with pressure like that, I just avoid doing anything about it at all. So I'm hoping that breaking the week long silence with this post will allow me to come back and post in a sensical way because I like blogging. I really do.