Thursday, March 19, 2009

Engagement -- For Real This Time

Well, to put it as Chris did, the first one bites the dust. In all reality, I'm thrilled. I went to Sean's intramural game with Jaimie yesterday and then they came over later that night. I was wondering why they were there and asked. Jaimie said it had been to long since she'd seen me. It took me a good minute (or at least thirty seconds) to realize she had a GORGEOUS ring on her finger. Cue massive freaking out and hugging jaimie and screaming a lot. I'm so excited! Soon there will be a wedding that I will attend and I will know the people in it! Woo!
Other news, last night I laughed hysterically for a good five minutes when I realized that the last boy Heather kissed and the last boy I kissed are the same boy. I don't know why it is so funny to me, but it is.

Also, today I accidentally used the phrase 'butt ice.' Don't even ask, but it was hilarious.
Thought the final: I met Cody's dad and two sisters today. Nice family. It was nice to be around a real family and just chill.
Here's a picture I took at the game last night of the happy couple (pre-engagement):

Give Sean a break for his red sweatiness. He had just played an awesome game of basketball and basically run circles around everyone the whole time.


Heather Rose said... ridiculously cute. Like...seriously.

sarah joelle said...

HAHAHAHAHA. butt ice. remember how that was completely hilarious?!

Caroline said...

I love weddings! Drinks all around!