Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why I Haven't Been Posting

Ok, so you may have noticed my lack of posting. It's kind of a problem and has been nagging me, but here is why. I got the flu and was sick for a few days and kind of slept it off and didn't want to have to think enough to write a coherent blog post. Then I got over being sick and had a lot of homework to catch up on. Not to mention a lot of pressure to blog about all the good stuff like my birthday party and my birthday and all the amazingness that happened and about being sick and about the Utah game and about how I didn't get to go and on and on and on. So I have all that pressure and it makes me not want to blog at all. I don't deal well with pressure like that, I just avoid doing anything about it at all. So I'm hoping that breaking the week long silence with this post will allow me to come back and post in a sensical way because I like blogging. I really do.

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