Thursday, February 24, 2011


This is Sarah and I at a basketball game at some point. It's virtually impossible to tell which one because we dress the same for all of them and almost always sit beside each other.

It's pretty much a miracle to have friends like Sarah. Actually, allow me to be more specific. It's a miracle to have Sarah as a friend. On many levels we can relate and on some things our views are vastly different, but it doesn't matter. To demonstrate her pure amazingness and great hilarity I would like to share what she wrote on my wall for my birthday today:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY HOORAY HOORAH! ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I HOPE ITS AWESOME. if i could get tj fredette to sing you a happy birthday rap while jimmer dances to it in his pink shoes, jackson emery flexes his arms, and jake heaps throws footballs into basketball hoops from 500 miles away, i would. buuut i can't. although now the image is in your head so thats the best i can do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Best birthday post ever? Yes, I think so. Sarah is just too much and I love her.

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